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Wing Python IDE.
The Intelligent Development Environment for Python. Navigation. Manually Installing the Remote Agent. If for some reason you cannot use Wing's automated installation of the remote agent, for example if Wing does not recognize the type of the remote system, you can install it manually as follows. Find the Debugger Package most closely matching your remote host at https://wingware.com/downloads/wing-pro/, copy it to the remote host, and unpack it.

The resulting directory can be renamed if desired. Run chmod +x wingdb in the remote agent install directory to make that file executable Set Installation Directory under the Advanced tab in your remote host configuration to match the remote agent install location (this should be the full path of the directory that contains remoteagent.py ) If you plan to use wingdbstub to initiate debug from outside of Wing, as described in Debugging Externally Launched Remote Code you'll also need to: Copy wingdbstub.py from your Wing installation to the remote host and place it in the remote agent install directory (same directory as remoteagent.py ) Set WINGHOME in wingdbstub.py to the full path of the remote agent install directory Set kWingHostPort in wingdbstub.py to localhost:50050 (assuming default debug port settings) Copy the wingdebugpw file from the host where the > Help menu. Once this is done, Wing should be able to probe and use the remote host from Remote Hosts in the Project menu. Running on Unsupported OSes. These instructions should work on any system that has Python installed. If the remote host is not one that Wing fully supports, you will still be able to edit, search, and manage files, run unit tests, execute version control operations, and run OS commands.

However, debugging or running a remote Python Shell will not work on unsupported OSes unless you compile the debugger core yourself (requires signed NDA). Or contact us to request support for your device.

Инструкция пульт ide

Инструкция пульт ide
